Are you Single? No, actually, let's re-phrase the question...
Are you tired of meeting Mr. Right-Now-But-Ultimately-Wrong? Or Ms. Thought-She-Was-Right-But-I-Was-So-Wrong?!
Well tough - that's life! Or is it?

SHUSH!, aim to hook people up, you know... with people you might fancy and actually have something in common with? How do we do this? Well, come in a bit closer...we don’t want to shout....
SHUSH! is a London based social, dating network, designed to bring together like-minded, fun-loving, unattached individuals, like you, and every month, we’ll put on a social party for all you fabulous people to meet face to face.
Call us old fashioned, but we believe that you can't beat real life, face-to-face
chemistry. You know, that see-someone-across-the-room-that-you’re-feeling-kinda-chemistry, so much so, that you actually get off your stool, or come out of your ‘safe’ corner and take that step to walk over to a hottie and say ‘hi’...they smile and say ‘hi’ back! See where we’re going with this?
We’ve been asked, “Is it like speed-dating?” and the simple answer is ‘No!’
We provide a Compare, Saran Green, (Partnas in Rhyme), some live entertainment and some great tunes from a fantastic DJ (Phat Kontrolaz), invite you to a beautiful bar and that’s it – it’s mingle time!
So, stop leaving Mr. Or Ms. Right to chance and come out and meet some of London’s finest!
Next SHUSH! event:

Saturday 9th April 2011 | Southwark Rooms, 60 Southwark Street, London SE1 1UN
Doors: 8pm | Live Entertainment: 8:30pm | Mingling & Music: til 2am (Last Entry: 10pm)
Entry: £8 on guest list before 9pm | £12 without/thereafter
Guest List: Full names - Text: 07939 643 913 | Email:
Further info: | 07939 643 913 | Find us on Facebook: Shush!
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