Unfortunately, we weren't able to find any information on Isis, but if you have any contact/information links, please get in touch or leave a comment at the foot of this post. Thanks!
Today's Poem of the Day, is America by Tshaka Menelik Imhotep Campbell.
For information on Tshaka Menelik Imhotep Campbell, check out the links beneath the video and if you like what you see and hear, get ONiT! and let him know!
We've been away for a while but are back with a Black History Month Special, which will aim to celebrate and highlight artists who have/had something meaningful to express about a People whom have lots to celebrate.
Throughout October, the ONiT! BHM Specialwill feature artists from all over the world, as well as the UK. We hope you enjoy them...
Today's Poem of the Day, is Queen Nzinga by David J - Pugilist.
For information on David J - Pugilist, check out the links beneath the video and if you like what you see and hear, get ONiT! and let him know!
ONiT! PR is a Public Relations, Events, Marketing and Management Company.
We specialise in raising the profile of Performance Art, in London and the surrounding areas of the UK, with particular attention to Spoken Word and Performance Poetry, in addition to other genres, such as Song, Rap, Comedy and general Live Entertainment.
Working with Independent Artists and Event Organisers/Promoters alike, we deliver targeted PR, promotional and marketing campaigns, alongside event booking management services and administrative support to individuals, organisations and companies.
With our vast range of contacts within the UK Live Performance arena, ONiT! PR are ideally equipped to assist UK Artist seeking support with securing bookings and fees, Overseas Artists seeking performances in the UK for a planned trip or Event Planners requiring enhanced visibility and increased numbers at events.
So don’t just SAYiT. BEIT. DOiT. Get ONiT!
For full details of our service options, please visit: http://www.onitpr.co.uk
Enquiries: info@onitpr.co.uk | +44 (0)7971 481 956